Have you ever something like this? Something embarrassing happens, you were maybe someone pointed out deformed, as your nails look like. Or maybe you feel a strange self-awareness or concern about handing over money to someone. And what happens is that you rightly decided, and then at this moment to stop nail biting. But of course what happens, only a few hours later, while your not even aware about it? Most people who try to stop nail biting with their will power alone will find itself back in the old habit of automatically. Biting away steadily to their nails.
That is the reason why these nail polish products to stop nail biting only in the short term. You try and use your willpower to your body's response, but the effect never lasts. What happens is you start biting your nails again as soon as the battle of will power is lost. What we need is a way to change this habit permanently.
The reason why I know about this cycle is so good that I suffered from this habit for more than 7 years. It was a vicious circle, the stop for a few days and then start up again shortly after.
It was not until I finally just started my own research that I found the cure to stop nail biting. I read all the blogs and articles, and watched all the videos that I could find. I tried the nail varnish, and tries gloves. I have tried and tested countless tips from other people who suffered nail biting and finally found the little known secrets of how to stop nail biting. It is for this reason that I reluctantly wrote a series of articles on the subject of nail biting. To use the information today, and stop nail biting for good.
For over seven years, Jacques Laux suffered from infected, and bleeding nail stubs. Using NLP and Hypnosis he discovered a little known secret of how to stop nail biting. He now runs and informational website with articles, video's and tips on how to stop nail biting. For all this and more be sure to check out the Stop Nail Biting website at http://www.stopnailbitingnow.net
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jacques_Laux
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