Our biological clock regulates our activity and rest cycles.
The circadian biological clock
Our biological clock affects our daily body rhythms, and also many of our body physiological processes. These are the typical circadian pattern of the human body such as the rhythm pattern, if someone up in the early morning hours, or if the person concerned in his meals to eat, and when he sleeps at night.
Circadian cycles with more cycles of lightness and darkness, and other things, like sleeping schedules, ambient temperature, exercise and physical activity, and stress can also affect the timetable.
After the research, these are the typical cycles of the human biological clock. Clock at 2:00, we are in our deepest sleep, the lowest body temperature at 4:30 clock, the strongest rise in blood pressure at 6:45, melatonin secretion is at 7:30 clock, stools probably clock at 8.30, our highest testosterone secretion by 9 : 00 clock, most alarm clock at 10:00, the best coordination clock at 2:30, the fastest response time to 3:30 clock, cardiovascular efficiency and muscular strength greatest at 5:00 clock, high blood pressure by 6 : 30 clock, the highest body temperature at 7:00 clock, melatonin secretion begins at 9:00 clock, and bowel movements are suppressed clock at 10:30.
Where is our biological clock?
Our biological clock is a tiny part of the brain, where our optic nerves cross and is made up of about 20,000 cells. For babies that are part of the brain is not yet developed, and that is why they do not have a clear daily rhythm yet. In elderly people, some of their brain cells die, which explains why the biological clock to deteriorate.
timing and duration of biological activity also occurs in animals, plants and even bacteria. With animals, it occurs when they sleep, eat, with migration, hibernation, and when they mate. For plants with photosynthesis and leaf movements to name a few.
bacteria have the same circadian rhythm as constant conditions such as temperature, darkness and light, and they fluctuate within 24 hours (not exactly, but close). All this goes beyond an appropriate environmental cycle, and is temperature compensated. Cyanobacteria also have a timetable for their activities. You prepare for photosynthesis during the day in the light of day begins, and nitrogen fixation in the night. Cell divisions in the regular times.
Our biological clock influences a large number of our many biological processes such as signaling processes, and the regulatory process of our cells. Apparently, cells and biological clocks. The older a person is, the less time that the cells divide.
Light receptors
Research shows that the light receptors in the eye to regulate our sleep and wake cycles, and the rhythms of our brain timers.
psychological stress and affective disorders, our biological clock ticking faster to premature aging and can lead to chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Our biological clocks are key to many of our lives and can be a crucial factor of disease. Some studies suggest that a high fat diet or excess calories can cause our biological clock and cycle rhythms. This proves to be one more reason to eat healthy again.
For some time, women were the only ones worried about their biological clock is ticking and with a family. Children could jeopardize a career too early, or wait too long could be infertility. Research now shows that men have their biological clocks when it comes to decide when it is time to have a family. A recent study in Australia found that children born of older fathers, lower values for IQ tests. It is also difficult for a man to a child under the age of 35 years and very difficult, according to the age of 40 years. Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia risks increase when fathers are over 30 if their children were born. Also, the risk for children with autism has greatly increased with a more father became the 40th
The world of today and the natural rhythm
In today's world, the natural rhythm of the biological clock has nearly disappeared, with shops open 24 hours a day, and people working in shifts. As we get older, our biological clock can not function as well, which is why older people sleep less and wake up more frequently.
More heart attacks happen in the morning. Does this mean that we stay in bed longer in the morning, a dangerous time? When light of our biological clock, we should perhaps our more dim light in the evening, maybe one or two hours before bedtime. Keep regular sleep patterns may play a greater role than we thought in the past. You decide.
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