
A vitamin is an organic compound required as a nutrient in tiny amounts by an organism. A compound is called a vitamin when it cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by an organism, and must be obtained from the diet. Thus, the term is conditional both on the circumstances and the particular organism. For example, ascorbic acid functions as vitamin C for some animals but not others, and vitamins D and K are required in the human diet only in certain circumstances.

Vitamins are classified by their biological and chemical activity, not their structure. Thus, each "vitamin" actually refers to a number of vitamer compounds, which form a set of distinct chemical compounds that show the biological activity of a particular vitamin. Such a set of chemicals are grouped under an alphabetized vitamin "generic descriptor" title, such as "vitamin A," which (for example) includes retinal, retinol, and many carotenoids. Vitamers are often inter-convertible in the body. The term vitamin does not include other essential nutrients such as dietary minerals, essential fatty acids, or essential amino acids, nor does it encompass the large number of other nutrients that promote health but are otherwise required less often.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Do You Know These Chigger Facts?

Called What are Chiggers?

Chiggers are known by a variety of names. Some of them are taboo in a "G" rated article. Some of the most common are Harvest Mite and Red Bug. It all depends on what part of the world can you expect from Hale.

what chiggers look like?

Chiggers look like a monster from dinosaur days. Adult chiggers have eight legs and round body. The larvae of only six legs and has a round body. An egg looks like an egg. Adult chiggers come in a variety of colors. Some are red, thus Red Bug. Some are yellow or gray. Chiggers largely resemble spiders, of which clan they are a part of.

What are chiggers?

Chiggers are available in three sizes. Small and smaller. If chiggers Adults lined up side by side, it takes about 20 of them about an inch. The larvae would be lined with approximately 120 of the little guys, span inch. In short, if you assume that you are probably not without a microscope or a good magnifying glass.

What chigger bites look like?

As the chigger is so small, it is difficult to make a chigger bite. But that concerns a lot easier to see. After the bite is felt they are a small red body, like a bubble. Sometimes with a little red dot at the top.

How long does it take to become apparent chigger bites?

usually takes about 12 to 24 hours after the bite before the itching begins. You start in a very subtle way. Something that is not really noticed or annoying. It is like a very faint sound in the distance. You know it's there, but not really mind.

Within 24 hours seems a bit too much like a rash. It depends on how you are contaminated, how much you may be affected.

chiggers Where can you would like ?

Chiggers love heavily wooded areas with a lot of brush and tall grass. They live where it is moist and warm and dark. As piles of rotting leaves or old rotting wood piles. You can also park on the tips of leaves and the ends of the long grass stems. Chiggers like these places because they are easy to unsuspecting victims, such as rodents and rabbits and humans.

Where do chiggers bite most often?

Most people have a problem with chiggers around the ankles, waist and under the arms. Chiggers like to close and personal. They will crawl around in the clothes until they are a couple of close fitting clothing, ie, the waist line, bra straps and socks, all tightly hold clothes for the body.

chiggers bore under the skin and suck the blood?

No Chiggers are bitter, not Borers. You do not suck blood. You bite a hole in the skin next to a hair and sipping straw in. Then they spit in the hole a specific enzyme, the little red meat away. Then, the chigger to suck the meat rotted in the small straw.

How long does the itching of chigger bites last?

itching varies from person to person. Itching may be a few days or weeks to two weeks or more.

chigger bites you the disease?

There is no known diseases associated with chigger Files in North America.


Discover more killer chigger information when you go here. Killer Chigger Treatment Information You Need to Know
If you are camper or hiker you need to read this. Do it now! Best Approach for Outdoorsmen to Avoid Chigger Bites

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathlene_Easter

Monday, May 18, 2009

Will You Get Hemorrhoids From Cycling?

You may fear that cycling causes hemorrhoids, or if you are an avid cyclist, you're not sure whether it difficult for your hemorrhoid condition. But will you really Cycling Hemorrhoids? Well, read on to see if cycling is the cause of hemorrhoids.

There are various reasons for hemorrhoids, but cycling is definitely not one of them. Some of the most common reasons would be constipation, meeting, scheduled for very long periods, physical inactivity and unhealthy diet that is deficient in fiber. If your normal life, none of the above and your daily bowel movement is smooth, then hemorrhoid would be much less likely to be, even if your lifestyle includes regular cycling.

, however, if you currently have hemorrhoids, it could be a factor in the bike aggravating condition. This is because the blood flow to the butt section is very limited, if you sit on a bicycle saddle. Long Cycling can also be a deterioration of the hemorrhoid, as the friction between the saddle and the hemorrhoid.

To prevent the hemorrhoids from you while cycling, check your bike saddle. Make sure it is comfortable and fits your butt area, because a long time on uncomfortable saddles could exacerbate any hemorrhoids, even if they are small. Not only that, it can cause discomfort and pain! You should have a balanced diet, consisting of many fibers and water to ensure smooth bowel movement, to reduce the occurrence of hemorrhoids.

Next to the concerns and free, that the bicycle is not one single factor causing hemorrhoid. In fact, cycling is a good exercise as it tones your muscles and to some extent, improves the circulation of the butt area. This is an excellent method in combination with others to prevent hemorrhoids!


Want to know more about the causes and cures for hemorrhoids? Click here to find out some of the main causes to hemorrhoids and remedies to it!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Claudio_Lee

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hemorrhoids Treatments Using Herbs - Part II

of Part I of hemorrhoids treatments with herbs, it was found that a plan for the treatment of hemorrhoids and pain would ultimately lead to the use of herbs. We have the use of witch hazel and Pilewort and we discovered how certain herbs was considered part of? A treatment, with the doctrine of signatures. This doctrine is a philosophy that suggests that if an herb is shaped and colored like a certain body part, it has healing powers for the part of the body. It was also concluded that the use of herbs can bring relief, their use must be compatible with other tools such as bath seats and a diet high in fiber over a long period before it is a cure.

This article continues to make some additional herbs for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Even with the additional use of these herbs, it is the same result. The herb treatments must be used with other aids to healing, and even then the cure is doubtful. The hemorrhoid condition is the return.

The following herbs are used in this article: Butcher's Broom, Pine Bark and Grape seed oil and aloe vera gel.

Butcher's Broom

Excerpt from butcher broom tree is the active component in several formulations and generate current treatments for venous disease and venous insufficiency, such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

The leaves of butcher broom tree are often used to describe a circulatory tonic and anti-inflammatory agent for a wide range of circulatory problems. The leaves are also available for a slightly bitter tea. This tea can be forwarded to the limbs and interfaces with your body in a way that the incidence of post-operative thrombosis or blood clotting.

A further advantage of the tea from the Butcher's broom is a mild diuretic action. This allows the swelling of the legs, and it is also useful in the treatment of varicose veins and phlebitis.

The extract of Butcher's broom is used in a topical ointment. This oinment relieved the swelling and pain of arthritis and rheumatism.

The extract of Butcher's broom is also used in suppositories. The suppositories are often used as a treatment for hemorrhoids.

Pine Bark and Grape seeds

Grape Seed Extract and Pine Bark extract containing a type of flavonoid as oligomers of Proanthocyanidins or OPCs.

While the therapeutic potential of OPCs is due to its broad antioxidant activity, OPCs are used in Europe primarily in the treatment of venous and capillary disorders including venous insufficiency, varicose veins (hemorrhoids), capillary fragility and vascular disorders of the retina.

Aloe Vera Gel

RESH The pulp of the aloe vera plant can be printed directly on the anus to relieve pain and burning sensation. Make sure to apply with a soft cotton swab. You will notice an almost immediate relief of pain.


Most of the herbs in this article and those in Part I of this series that have a direct impact on the alleviation of pain and a complaint from a hemorrhoid condition. And why should the use of herbs in your hemorrhoid treatment plan. The use of herbs, however, generally does not lead to a cure. You must be applied in combination with other aid first and foremost of which is a diet with high fiber.


There is a product you can use that will bring relief in 48 hours and it brings not just relief but a cure to your condition.

Jim Lee is a writer but more importantly in this case he is a fellow sufferer of painful hemorrhoids. It is a shame that there was not a 48 hour solution available when the hemorrhoid condition developed. For more information about the 48 hour cure, hemorrhoids treatements like the sitz bath, and hemorrhoids in general see http://www.squidoo.com/hemorroidpainrelieve or http://www.squidoo.com/sitzbaths

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_A_Lee